

UC San Diego - LINK-J Joint Seminar "Proactive and Personalized Health Care using Internet of Medical Things and Big Data Analytics"

Dr. Dey will describe the objectives of the program, including enabling personalized “virtual care” for preventative, routine and post-surgical care, yielding lower care cost models with meaningful behavior change and patient engagement. He will describe multiple projects in the program targeting various conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and mental health resiliency, and promoting healthy aging. Dr. Dey will describe a system which uses IoMTs to continuously collect live data regarding user health, activities, sleep and context, and provides predictive virtual care analytics regarding key health indicators like blood pressure, and personalized recommendations and interventions for the user as well as care givers.

Dr. Dey will describe another project which is developing a “virtual physical therapist” to facilitate low-cost, continuous and remote rehabilitation for patients or elder people, utilizing innovations in wireless sensing, computer vision and artificial intelligence, to enable real-time monitoring, guidance and recommendations, while letting care providers track remotely the well-being, progress and compliance of patients.

Dr. Dey will also describe emerging projects where cognitive neuro engineering, neuro-gaming, stress neuroendocrinology, epigenetics, digital lifestyle monitoring and artificial intelligence are being used in an integrated manner to assess and improve mental health resiliency and cognitive abilities throughout the lifespan, including during the challenging transition from healthy aging to dementia.

UC San Diego - LINK-J Joint Seminar  "Proactive and Personalized Health Care using Internet of Medical Things and Big Data Analytics"

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Date: Tue, Oct 2, 2018 4:30 pm-5:30 pm


Nihonbashi Life Science Building 201 Conference Room (THE VENUE HAS CHANGED TO 201)

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※ Password is "UCSD JSOE". Please note that confirmation of registration is only in English and it will be sent automatically from Eventbrite.


Time     Content
4:30 pm-5:30 pm Presentation by Dr. Sujit Dey,
Director of the Center for Wireless Communications(CWC), UC San Diego

Participation Fee



Sponsorship:UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering
Co-sponsorship:Life Science Innovation Network Japan Inc. (LINK-J)

Contact 【Miwako Waga, Director of International Outreach in UC San Diego】 【Life Science Innovation Network Japan, Inc. (LINK-J)】
UC San Diego - LINK-J Joint Seminar  "Proactive and Personalized Health Care using Internet of Medical Things and Big Data Analytics"

Click to open PDF


Date: Tue, Oct 2, 2018 4:30 pm-5:30 pm


Nihonbashi Life Science Building 201 Conference Room (THE VENUE HAS CHANGED TO 201)

Register from here

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※ Password is "UCSD JSOE". Please note that confirmation of registration is only in English and it will be sent automatically from Eventbrite.
