

LINK-J Symposium "The Frontiers of Drug Discovery"

Please be informed that we have decided to hold the symposium completely online for both speakers and participants due to the official extension of the state of emergency in Tokyo and Osaka.

At this year’s LINK-J Symposium, we will focus on "drug discovery" and invite experts who are working at the forefront of academia and industry as speakers to discuss the status of research and practical application of notable modalities such as AI drug discovery, genome editing, cellular medicine, and RNA medicine. In the panel discussion, all the speakers will gather together to deliver heated discussions.
*English Simultaneous interpretation is available on the Zoom webinar.

LINK-J Symposium "The Frontiers of Drug Discovery"

Date: Fri, June 18, 2021 1:00pm-4:30pm (JST)


Online (Zoom webinar)


(Opens an external site)

Registration due date

If you are a LINK-J member, supporter, or invited guest, please ask the discount code


Time Contents
Opening Remarks
13:00 Prof. Hideyuki Okano (Chairman of the Board, LINK-J / Dean, Keio University Graduate School of Medicine / Professor, Department of Physiology, Keio University School of Medicine)
Keynote Lecture
13:05-13:40 “Bioeconomy Strategy and Innovative Drug Discovery of Japan”
Dr. Hitoshi Kuboniwa (Japan Bioindustry Association Chairman of new therapeutic modality platform research group)
13:40-14:00 “Development of universal T cell medicine produced from iPS cells -Application to cancer immunotherapy and treatment of viral infection-“
Prof. Hiroshi Kawamoto (Professor, Laboratory of Immunology, Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University)
14:00-14:20 “Exploring the Potential of Pan-Coronavirus Vaccines with a Third Generation RNA Vaccine Platform”
Prof. Minoru Ko (Professor, Keio University School of Medicine / Co-Founder, Elixirgen Therapeutics, Inc.)
14:20-14:35 Break
14:35-14:55 “The frontline of Gene editing and Modalis’ novel gene modulation therapy”
Mr. Haru Morita (President and CEO, Modalis Therapeutics)
14:55-15:15 "Health and Science at Google"
Dr. Joseph Ledsam, Clinician Scientist, Google Japan
15:15-15:30 Break
Panel Discussion
15:30-16:30 Moderator Dr. Hideyuki Okano
Panelists Dr. Hiroshi Kawamoto, Dr. Minoru Ko, Mr. Haru Morita, Dr. Joseph Ledsam


kuboniwa.jpgHitoshi Kuboniwa (Ph.D., Chairman of new therapeutic modality platform research group, Japan Bioindustry Association)

He is the chairman of the management committee of Japan Bioindustry Association and a corporate advisor of Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. He worked for Chugai in discovery research, business development and manufacturing. He served as senior vice president of pharmaceutical technology division responsible for both biologics and small molecules manufacturing. He obtained a Ph.D. from Tokyo Institute of Technology in polymer chemistry and worked for NIH/NIDDK in bioNMR field.

200824Kawamotophoto2.jpgHiroshi Kawamoto (M.D., Ph.D, Professor, Laboratory of Immunology, Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University)

Graduated from Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University, in 1986, and worked as a physician in hospital for three years. He took his doctor course in Hematology department of Kyoto University from 1989, and moved to Chest Disease Institute (currently Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences: IFLMS) in 1994, where he started to study the early hematopoiesis. In 2001, he became an assistant professor in Faculty of Medicine, and then promoted to be a team leader of RIKEN Research Center for Allergy and Immunology in 2002. In RIKEN, he started to develop immune cell therapy using regenerated lymphocytes. He moved to IFLMS in Kyoto University as a professor in 2012.

minoru ko.jpgMinoru Ko (M.D., Ph.D, Professor, Keio University School of Medicine / Co-Founder, Elixirgen Therapeutics, Inc.)

Former Senior Investigator and Section Chief, Developmental Genomics and Aging Section, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health.

Haru Morita_headshot.jpgHaru Morita (President and CEO, Modalis Therapeutics)

Haru is the exuberant entrepreneur as well as the dynamic investor whose leadership and strategic vision drives Modalis (listed on TSE as 4883) toward success from his co-foundation in 2016. He brings more than 25 years of biotech industry leadership experience, including CEO of REGiMMUNE, a company he founded to leverage the power of regulatory T cells to manage difficult-to-treat immune conditions such as GVHD. Before that he took a leading role in business development at Y’s Therapeutics Inc. that aspired for a novel biotherapeutics using antibody technology. As a scientist, Haru played a pioneering role in the research and development of thrombopoietin (aka TPO or MGDF) at KIRIN (merged into Kyowa-Kirin). He acquired extensive business and consulting experiences at Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. (merged into Strategy & of PwC) where he engaged in numerous projects across various industry sectors.

joe_ledsam_photo.jpegJoseph Ledsam (M.D., Clinician Scientist, Google Japan)

Dr Joseph Ledsam is a medical doctor and Clinician Scientist who joined Google DeepMind in 2016 to apply AI to clinical medicine. During that time he co-led multiple projects across medical imaging and EHR, leading to multiple Nature and Nature Medicine publications. While at DeepMind he founded the Genomics team, focusing on gene expression prediction, before moving to Google Japan to build up a new set of health and science projects.

okano hideyuki.jpgHideyuki Okano (M.D., Ph.D, Chairman of the Board, LINK-J/ Dean, Keio University Graduate School of Medicine/ Professor, Department of Physiology, Keio University School of Medicine)

Dr. Hideyuki Okano is Dean of the Keio University Graduate School of Medicine and Professor of the Department of Physiology, Keio University School of Medicine.He earned his M.D. (1983) at Keio University School of Medicine and Ph.D. (1988) in Medical Science at Keio University. He was Instructor at the Department of Physiology, Keio University School of Medicine (1983-1985) and the Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University (1985-1989). He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Biological Chemistry, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (1989-1993) and Instructor at the Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo (1992-1994).
He was Professor at the Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Tsukuba (1994-1997) and the Department of Neuroscience, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine (1997-2001).
Dr. Okano has been Professor of the Department of Physiology, Keio University School of Medicine since 2001 to date and served as Dean at the Keio University School of Medicine (2015-2017).
Dr. Okano’s research focuses on the Molecular Neurobiology, Development and Regeneration of the central nervous system and the Modeling human Diseases using iPS cells, Brain Science of Non-human Primate. Currently, he is the President of Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine and Japanese Society for Neurochemistry.

Participation Fee

LINK-J Member, Supporter 0yen/ Non-Member 500yen


Registration required


Hosted by: Life Science Innovation Network Japan Inc. (LINK-J)
Supported by: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare / Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology / Tokyo Metropolitan Government / Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)


Secretariat: JTB Communication Design, Inc.
Person in charge: Fukushi, Hotta, Shinozaki
LINK-J Symposium "The Frontiers of Drug Discovery"

Date: Fri, June 18, 2021 1:00pm-4:30pm (JST)


Online (Zoom webinar)


(Opens an external site)

Registration due date

If you are a LINK-J member, supporter, or invited guest, please ask the discount code
