

Call for Speakers to RMCR#11 on Thursday, February 6, 2020

FIRM (Forum for Innovative Regenerative Medicine) has launched its speaker recruitment process for the eleventh edition of its partnering facilitating event;
Regenerative Medicine Crossroad in Tokyo #11, a.k.a. RMCR#11, which is being planned to be held on Thursday, February 6, 2020.

Since the last edition, LINK-J (Life Science Innovation Network Japan) has come on board, and joined forces with FIRM to power up the organizing team.

The event is meant to provide a "speaker's corner" for those who seeks partnerships with Japanese companies for the purpose of developing product candidates in their pipelines or their promising technology seeds in Japan.

We are committed and focused on creating a field for synergistic encounter among diverse players for the progress of regenerative medicine, cell therapy, gene therapy, and their relating industries, i.e., any attempts of using the podium for, e.g., one-way sales pitches of commodity merchandises, and likes should be refrained.

More details can be found in the flyer, which is accompanied with the Preliminary Registration Form (PRF) as this file.
Visit also our website;

I would deeply appreciate it if you distribute this notice to and encourage those who may be interested in this opportunity among your friends, acquaintances and/or affiliates.

Your proactive organizing of a group of speakers and send them in would be seriously interested and appreciated as well.
The event's outline is as follows:

Title of the Event : Regenerative Medicine Crossroad in Tokyo #11 (RMCR#11)
Date : Thursday, February 6, 2020
Venue : Nihonbashi Life Science Building, Nihonbashi, Tokyo, Japan
Event Structure : A half-day session consisting of concurrent oral presentations and multiple one-on-one partnering meetings, followed by a networking mixer in the evening
Deadline for the Preliminary Registration : Friday, November 29, 2019 (JST)
Projected Number of Speakers for the Event: 3~6 entities

Expected Number of Audiences: 80~120 business professionals and experts from the regenerative medicine and gene/cell therapy sector of Japan

Any questions, please do not hesitate to direct them to Fuyu Mori, RMCR Organizer (

Attendees Affiliations List