
About us


Yo Iwami, M.D., Ph.D.

Yo Iwami, M.D., Ph.D.

President & CEO(M.D., Ph.D.), MedPeer,Inc.

Yo Iwami, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Iwami graduated from the Shinshu University School of Medicine and joined the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Tokyo Women's Medical University in 1999.
Yo established Medical Oblige Inc (now MedPeer,Inc.) in December 2004.
He launched MedPeer in August 2007.
MedPeer is a professional online social media for certified physicians to share insight of actual medical scene and now it holds more than
170,000 physicians (approximately half of physicians in Japan).
He continues to be active on the front lines of medical site.

What I expect of LINK-J

We shall support to activate healthtech industry concentric from LINK-J at Nihonbashi.

Message to LINK-J Special Members

In an instant, COVID-19 has changed the global landscape, and in the health-tech industry, this change holds tremendous opportunity. We hope to support its growth through our partnership and co-advise.

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