Publication of White Paper on innovative drug discovery approach using Springer Nature’s literature data and FRONTEO’s specialized AI engine KIBIT
FRONTEO’s Drug Discovery AI Factory, an AI drug discovery service using unique technologies that discover unreported relationships from published literature, to support target identification and drug repositioning etc.
FRONTEO, Inc. (Head Office: Tokyo, Japan; Chief Executive Officer: Masahiro Morimoto; hereafter "FRONTEO") is pleased to announce the publication of a white paper “Discover Unreported Relationships from published Literature”, which describes FRONTEO’s Drug Discovery AI Factory (hereafter “DDAIF”), an AI drug discovery support service using textual data from across 600 journals held by Springer Nature.
The white paper describes a new approach for First in Class drug discovery that utilizes the natural language processing technology of FRONTEO's specialized AI engine KIBIT and unique methods to analyze literature data from Springer Nature's journals as part of the collaboration between the two companies.

White paper “Discover Unreported Relationships from Published Literature”
To enhance the success rate of drug development, it is important to select targets molecules with high disease relevance and generate hypotheses to support the relationship. Many pharmaceutical companies, drug discovery ventures, and members of academia spend a great deal of time, effort and expense to identify for target molecules and generate hypotheses of potential targets, but identifying highly novel target molecules that can be First in Class continues to be a difficult task. Discovery and hypothesis generation becomes even more difficult, for highly novel targets where the relationship between the disease and the target molecule has not been explicitly described in literature.
In the white paper, FRONTEO uses KIBIT, an AI engine that discovers unreported relationships from published literature, and unique analysis methods, to analyze textual data published in over 600 leading journals held by Springer Nature. KIBIT provides specific examples to explain the process of finding unreported target molecules with high disease relevance from gene networks and generates hypotheses regarding the unreported relationships.
FRONTEO supports experts across various technological fields by providing valuable insights to jumpstart innovation through its proprietary specialized AI engine "KIBIT". KIBIT implements a unique natural language processing technology (patented in Japan and the United States) that enables high-speed and high-precision analysis of textual repositories without relying on large quantities of training data and computing power, unlike a general-purpose AI engine. By utilizing patented technology that visualizes the structure of relationships between analyzed information, KIBIT provides insights to experts that would otherwise be hidden. In recent years, KIBIT has also been incorporated into analysis tools used for hypothesis generation and target exploration in drug discovery.
In line with FRONTEO’s mission of supporting the information society by providing solutions that discover opportunities and risks that are otherwise hidden in documents, FRONTEO has leveraged KIBIT's unique technology in the fields of Life Science AI, Business Intelligence, Economic Security, and LegalTech AI.
Founded in August 2003, listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers Market (now Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market) on June 26, 2007. The offices are located in Japan, the United States, South Korea, and Taiwan. Obtained the first-class marketing license for medical devices, registered controlled medical device sales business. Capital is 898,618,000 yen (as of August 31, 2024).
FRONTEO, KIBIT and Drug Discovery AI Factory are registered trademarks of FRONTEO in Japan.
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