

7th DIA Cardiac Safety Workshop in Japan - Leading into a New Era of Cardiovascular Safety Assessment

There are ongoing discussions surrounding cardiovascular (CV) safety assessments of drugs in development. Although the implementation of the ICH E14/S7B guidelines is considered a success, proarrhythmia risk assessment continues to be one of the most important and challenging issues in drug development. The proarrhythmia risk assessment regulatory paradigm entered a new era in 2015 with the release of the ICH-E14 Q&A R3 document, which allows the use of Concentration Response Modeling of QTc data in lieu of the E14 ‘by-time point’ analysis as the primary basis for regulatory decisions. This revision effectively allows pharmaceutical sponsors to use routine early phase (SAD/MAD) studies, with intensive PK and QT data collection, to meet current regulatory requirements instead of the E14 mandated Thorough QT/QTc study.

Concomitantly, development of new non-clinical CV risk assessment strategies, such as the use of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) derived cardiomyocyte and in silico cardiac models have been making advances both in Japan and abroad.

In addition to the well documented proarrhythmia risk, other CV risks including those associated with drug-induced changes in blood pressure, cardiac function and cardiomyocyte (structure), have been recognized as important issues requiring attention and appropriate assessment during drug development.

Furthermore, the increasing importance of the emerging field of cardio-oncology, reflects the success of new cancer therapies in improving life expectancy of cancer patients on one hand, and the recognized CV risks of innovative anticancer drugs including molecular targeted therapies on the other hand. A wide range of cardiotoxicities associated with existing and new anticancer therapies were reported, including cardiomyocyte injury and heart failure, vascular injury and hypertension or thrombosis, accelerated coronary artery disease and proarrhythmia, amongst others.

In this workshop, we will invite clinical, industry and regulatory experts to discuss a range of hot topics, including: Non-clinical proarrhythmia risk assessment using iPS derived cardiomyocyte and in silico models such as CiPA, JiCSA and iSMART; Clinical proarrhythmia risk assessment models and the implementation of QTc Concentration Response Modeling in Japan and new ECG biomarkers; A research update and future directions for the assessment of cardiac contractile function; A cardio- oncology session including mechanism of drug-induced cardiotoxicity, and strategies for early detection and assessment of cardiotoxicity.

The 7th Cardiac Safety Workshop in Japan will provide a unique opportunity to learn of and discuss the current state and future directions of CV risk assessments and how to prepare for a new regulatory paradigm of cardiovascular safety assessments. We look forward to welcoming you to the workshop.

7th DIA Cardiac Safety Workshop in Japan - Leading into a New Era of Cardiovascular Safety Assessment

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Date: October 25-26 (Thu-Fri),2018


Nihonbashi Life Science Hub


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Simultaneous Translation Available


DAY 1 | Thursday, October 25, 2018 | Proarrhythmia Risk Assessments

Time     Program Title
Akio Uemura, PhD - Senior Vice President & Managing Director, DIA Japan
Kaori Shinagawa, MD, PhD - Senior Scientist for Clinical Medicine, Office of New Drug ll, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
Clinical Proarrhythmic Risk Assessment
Boaz Mendzelevski - Cardiac Safety Consultants Ltd.
Kaori Shinagawa, MD, PhD - Senior Scientist for Clinical Medicine, Office of New Drug ll, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

・Regulatory Perspective for Clinical Proarrhythmic Risk Assessment
Kaori Shinagawa, MD, PhD - Senior Scientist for Clinical Medicine, Office of New Drug ll, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

Differentiating Drug-Induced ion Channel Effects on the ECG: Potential Role of the ECG under CiPA (Presentation via Internet)
Jose Vicente, PhD - Staff Fellow, Division of Cardiovascular and Renal Products, Office of Drug Evaluation I, Office of New Drugs, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Regulatory Perspective for CR Modeling in Early Phase Studies and Other Biomarkers for Clinical Proarrhythmic Risk Assessment
Krishna Prasad, DrMed, MD, MRCP, FRCP - Group Manager (CardioVasc, Oncology, and Antiinfective Product Teams), Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

Experience from QT Assessment Using Concentration- QTc Modeling of Early Phase Studies
Börje C. Darpö, MD, PhD - Chief Scientific Officer, Cardiac Safety, ERT

Effects of Moxifloxacin on the Proarrhythmic Surrogate Markers in Healthy Subjects: Exposure-Response Modeling using ECG Data of Thorough QT/QTc Study
Atsushi Sugiyama, MD, PhD - Professor and Chairman, Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Toho University Faculty of Medicine

Experience with CR Modelling across Different Types of Early Phase Clinical Trials
Jörg Täubel, MD, FFPM - Chief Executive Officer, Richmond Pharmacology Ltd.
12:10-13:30 LUNCH
Clinical Proarrhythmic Risk Assessment
Boaz Mendzelevski, MD - Cardiac Safety Consultants Ltd.
Kaori Shinagawa, MD, PhD - Senior Scientist for Clinical Medicine, Office of New Drug ll, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
Non Clinical Proarrhythmic Risk Assessment
Katsuyoshi Chiba, PhD - Senior Director and Head, Group III, Medicinal Safety Research Laboratories,Research Function, R&D Division, Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.
Yasunari Kanda, PhD - Head of Division of Pharmacology, National Institute of Health Sciences

Keynote Lecture:
・Prediction and Quantification of Torsadogenic Potential Using Classical and New Assay Models
Atsushi Sugiyama, MD, PhD - Professor and Chairman, Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Toho University Faculty of Medicine

・CiPA: Validation Efforts and Update
Gary Gintant, MA, PhD - Research Fellow, AbbVie Inc.

・JiCSA Update: Proarrhythmia Risk Assessment Using Human iPS Cell-derived Cardiomyocytes
Yasunari Kanda, PhD - Head of Division of Pharmacology, National Institute of Health Sciences

・iSmart (investigation of in silico / in vitro model for Arrhythmogenic Risk Prediction) Update 
Keiichi Asakura, PhD - Senior Scientist, Pharmacokinetics and Safety Assessment Department, Nippon Shinyaku Co., Ltd.

・Panel Discussion
All speakers in Session 2
16:00-16:30 COFFEE BREAK
Abstract Session 1
Naoki Furuyama, DVM, PhD - Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
Yuji Kumagai, MD, PhD - Director of Clinical Trial Center, Kitasato University Hospital

・Can We Rely on Automated ECG Machine Measurements for Clinical Trial Decisions?
Robert Kleiman - Chief Medical Officer and Vice President, Global Cardiology, ERT

・Heart Rate Correction When the Drug Affects Heart Rate
Georg Ferber - Statistical Consultant, Statistik Georg Ferber GmbH

・Intensive QT Investigation as Standard Practice in Early Clinical Programs in Lieu of Thorough QT Study
Sanae Yasuda, PhD - Senior Director, Clinical Pharmacology, Medicine Development Center, Eisai Co., Ltd.

・Evaluation of a Proposed Novel Biomarker, the JTpeak Interval, for Evaluation of Proarrhythmic Liability
Börje C. Darpö, MD, PhD - Chief Scientific Officer, Cardiac Safety, ERT

・Influence of Food on QT, J-Tpeak and Tpeak - Tend Intervals
Jörg Täubel, MD, FFPM - Chief Executive Officer, Richmond Pharmacology Ltd.

※Unless otherwise disclosed, DIA acknowledges that the statements made by speakers are their own opinion and not necessarily that of the organization they represent,or that the DIA. Speakers and agenda are subject to change without notice. Recording of any DIA tutorial/workshop/meeting information in any type of media,is prohibited without prior written consent from DIA.

DAY 2 | Friday, October 26, 2018 | Cardio-Oncology and Other Cardiac Safety Issues

Time      Program Title
Cardiovascular Safety in Oncology Drug Development: Mechanisms of Cardiotoxicity
Katsuyoshi Chiba, PhD - Senior Director and Head, Group III, Medicinal Safety Research Laboratories, Research Function, R&D Division, Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.
Atsushi Sugiyama, MD, PhD - Professor and Chairman, Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Toho University Faculty of Medicine

・Drug-Induced Cardiac Toxicity: Translating Non-Clinical Observations into Early Clinical Investigation
Atsuhiko T. Naito, MD, PhD - Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Toho University Faculty of Medicine

・Development and Standardization of in vitro Contractility Method Using Human iPS Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes
Yasunari Kanda, PhD - Head of Division of Pharmacology, National Institute of Health Sciences

・Molecular Pathways and Pathophysiology of TKI Induced Cardiotoxicity
Junichi Ishida - The University of Tokyo Hospital
10:30-10:45 COFFEE BREAK
Strategies for Early Detection of Cardiotoxicity
Atsushi Sugiyama, MD, PhD - Professor and Chairman, Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Toho University Faculty of Medicine
Kyosuke Takeshita, MD, PhD, FAHA - Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University

・Integrated Approach to Early Detection of Drug-Induced Cardiotoxicity
Hiroshi Akazawa, MD, PhD - Lecturer, Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo

・Imaging Biomarkers for Early Detection of Drug-Induced Cardiotoxicity
Kyosuke Takeshita, MD, PhD, FAHA - Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University

・Preclinical Human Contractility Safety Testing
Najah Abi Gerges - Vice President, Research & Development, AnaBios Corporation

・Panel Discussion
PANELIST - All speakers in Session 4 and 5
12:15-13:30 LUNCH
Strategies to Assess, Prevent and Mitigate Oncology Drugs Cardiotoxicity
SESSION CO-CHAIRS:Yuji Kumagai, MD, PhD - Director of Clinical Trial Center, Kitasato University Hospital

・Cardiovascular Safety Assessments of Oncology Drugs in Clinical Development
Boaz Mendzelevski - Cardiac Safety Consultants Ltd. 

・Important Adverse Effects of Molecular-Targeting Drugs in Aspects of Cardio-Oncology
Manabu Minami, MD, PhD - Institute for Advancement of Clinical and Translational Science (iACT), Kyoto University Hospital

・TKI Induced Cardiotoxicity and Drug-Induced Thrombosis
Wataru Shioyama, MD, PhD - Deputy Manager, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Onco- Cardiology Unit, Osaka International Cancer Institute

・Oncology Drug-Induced Cardiotoxicity: Strategies to Assess, Prevent and Mitigate Cardiotoxicity Pre- and Post-Approval
Krishna Prasad, DrMed, MD, MRCP, FRCP -
Group Manager (CardioVasc, Oncology, and Antiinfective Product Teams), Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

・Cardio-Oncology from the Regulator's Perspective
Hitoshi Kanno, MD, PhD - Reviewer, Office of New Drug V, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
15:10-15:40 COFFEE BREAK
Strategies to Assess, Prevent and Mitigate Cardiotoxicity

・Panel Discussion
PANELIST All speakers in Session 6
Abstract Session 2
Yasunari Kanda, PhD - Head of Division of Pharmacology, National Institute of Health Sciences
Kaori Shinagawa, MD, PhD - Senior Scientist for Clinical Medicine, Office of New Drug ll, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

・A Case of Spontaneous Smoking Echo in a Patient with Bladder and Pancreatic Cancer - Detection of Prothrombotic Status with Echocardiography
Takako Morooka - Department of Medical Technique, Nagoya University Hospital

・Efficacy to Safety Endpoints - Design and Technology Considerations

Jeff Heilbraun, MS - VP Strategic Development, Bioclinica
Katsuyoshi Chiba, PhD - Senior Director and Head, Group III, Medicinal Safety Research Laboratories,Research Function, R&D Division, Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.

※Private Social Function Policy DIA does not allow hospitality functions to be held during any DIA meeting sessions, scheduled exhibit hours, or social events. Therefore,the hours noted below are the only hours that are acceptable for hospitality functions.
Wednesday, October 24 All times are acceptable
Thursday, October 25 Before 8:00 and after 21:00
Friday, October 26 Before 8:00 and after 19:00


Sponsorship:DIA Japan
The Japanese Society of oxicology, Japanese Society of Medical Oncology


DIA Japan
Tel: +81.3.6214.0574
Fax: +81.3.3278.1313
7th DIA Cardiac Safety Workshop in Japan - Leading into a New Era of Cardiovascular Safety Assessment

Click to open PDF


Date: October 25-26 (Thu-Fri),2018


Nihonbashi Life Science Hub


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Simultaneous Translation Available
