
Event Reports

Global Life Science Session 2019 on October 8

The Global Life Science Session was held at Nihonbashi Life Science HUB on October 8th, Tuesday, 2019. (Host: Life Science Innovation Network Japan, Inc. [LINK-J]) 11 overseas clusters or organizations gave presentation. Presentations were about of their clusters and startups in each cluster.

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2:30 Doors Open
3:00 Opening Remarks by LINK-J
  Startups Pitch and Clusters overview
  1 BioHub Taiwan
  2 Singapore Economic Development Board
  3 Embassy of Israel in Tokyo
  4 BioM
  5 Medicen Paris
  6 Biocom
    Gliding Eagle
  7 BioQuébec
    Biotech City of Laval
    Immune Biosolution
    PhenoSwitch Bioscience
    Targa Biomedical
  8 Eurobiomed
  9 Medcity
  10 Northern Health Science Alliance
  11 Asebio
6:30-7:30 Networking Reception

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Networking Reception


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In addition to the speakers, 9 international companies invited by city of Yokohama during the period of Bio Japan joined in the later part of the session.
A networking reception was held after the session. Including participants of "UK Life Science Symposium 2019" and "2nd Belgium Regenerative Medicine Seminar", over 120 participants attended reception from a wide range of areas, such as private companies, academics. Participants commented that "It was good chance to know the ecosystem and the advantages of each cluster. "
We want to thank all participants from all over the world.
