
Event Reports

LINK-J Networking Reception "Computational Approach for Cancer R&D: AI Drug Discovery" held on Feb. 4

LINK-J Networking Reception "Computational Approach for Cancer R&D: AI Drug Discovery" was held on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at the Nihonbashi Life Science Building. (Sponsor: Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, Co-sponsor: LINK-J)


Ms. Naomi Ohashi
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science (BIDS)
Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR)

Dr. Eric Stahlberg
Director, Biomedical Informatics and Data Science (BIDS)
Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR)

Mr. Shinya Fujii
Director-General, Service Industry Department, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Visiting Scholar at Chuo University Graduate School of Science and Engineering

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Ms. Naomi Ohashi (FNLCR)

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Dr. Eric Stahlberg (FNLCR)

"Introduction of Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research and Computational Approaches for Cancer Research"

Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR) is one of the national laboratories in the U.S. specifically for cancer research, funded by the U.S. National Cancer Institute. Dr. Eric Stahlberg introduced the FNL and its AI drug discovery project called ATOM. The ATOM project was to accelerate drug discovery process utilizing the advanced computing technologies such as Artificial Intelligence. It was a great opportunity to learn about the FNL and its partnership opportunities as well as an example of AI drug discovery project in the U.S.

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Mr. Shinya Fujii (JETRO)

"2020: Innovation Trends and DX for Healthcare in the World"

Mr. Fujii presented an overview of cutting-edge digital trends in Japan and the world. It was interesting to learn about images of near-future applications of 5G when it becomes available. With comparing Japan to other high-tech advanced countries, Mr. Fujii shared his vision and called for action to foster the future talents.


Networking Reception

About 75 people attended the seminar and many good questions were asked during the Q&A sessions. The enthusiastic discussions were continued throughout the networking reception. Participants commented that "I was able to deepen my understanding of AI drug discovery and Japan's position," "I was glad to hear the story of ATOM," and "It was great opportunity to learn about the world trends and AI, such as the current state of Israel, from various angles."

Thanks to those who attended the seminar it was concluded successfully.
