
Event Reports

"Advanced Therapy Showcase in Tokyo#3(ATST#3)" (February 1, 2023)

As a part of its commitment to facilitate advancement of life sciences and relating industries, the Life Science Innovation Network Japan (LINK-J) launched the series of international partnering event "Advanced Therapy Showcase in Tokyo" (ATST) to expedite implementation of novel technologies, innovations, and discoveries by matching seeds and needs. The third edition (ATST#3) was organized in Jan./Feb., 2023. The event was held on virtual platform due to the COVID-19 pandemic.



Opening Remarks

LINK-J (Japan)
The chairperson of the board, Dr. Okano gave a welcome speech.

Invited Lectures

Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) (USA)
Hunt presented highlight of key industry trends and anticipated product approvals in 2023 (recorded).

4Bio Capital (UK)
Smith elucidated advanced therapies landscape at the beginning of 2022 from the investor's point of view (live).

Company Presentations in the Order of Appearance (*: Repeaters from the ATST#2)

Mnemo Therapeutics SAS (France/USA)
Gaudet elucidated their proprietary technologies to enhance efficacy against solid tumors, durability, and targetability to create next-gen CAR-Ts.

Ocugen, Inc. (USA)
Upadhyay explained about their proprietary modifier gene therapy programs on retinal degenerative diseases.

Progenicyte Japan Co., Ltd. (USA/Japan)*
Sugaya, K. explained about progresses on their unique exosomal delivery of DNA-based nucleic acid therapeutics to eliminate cancer stem cells and SARS-CoV2.

SparingVision SAS (France/USA)
Chung and R. Toso spoke about their unique approach in developing a breakthrough gene therapy for rod-cone dystrophy (SPVN06).

Ronawk, Inc. (USA)
J. Mellot explained about their stem cell expansion technology with their modular hydrogel with their unique Bio-Blocks.

RheumaGen, Inc. (USA)
Freed explained about their gene-edited autologous hematopoietic stem cell therapy for rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.

Immusoft Corp. (USA)
Ainsworth elucidated their approach to reprogram patient's B-cells as micro manufacturer of therapeutic molecules with their innovative gene-delivery platform, Immune System Programming (ISP).

ThinkCyte Inc. (USA/Japan)
Mizutani, M. spoke about their effort on developing applications for Ghost Cytometry, AI-driven cell sorting technology based on cell morphology.

Celaid Therapeutics, Inc. (Japan)*
Merkel spoke about their development of cord blood-derived allogeneic HSC therapy products as an alternative to current stem cell transplantation.

Delta-Fly Pharma, Inc. (Japan)
Yamasaki, Y. explained about Module Drug Development to develop safe and efficacious drugs in a short period of time.

iHeart Japan Corp. (Japan)
Jiang, Z. spoke about development of iPSC-derived multilayered cardiac cell sheets to treat severe heart failure.

iXgene Inc. (Japan)
Mizuno, A. spoke about their challenge on developing novel therapeutics based on genome edited iPSCs.

Luxna Biotech Co., Ltd. (Japan)
Sato, A. explained about their drug development utilizing their novel modified nucleosides, XNAs.

Minaris Regenerative Medicine Co., Ltd. (Japan)
Nakazhima, K. promoted their global CGT CDMO activities featuring large-scale cell manufacturing services with 3D bioreactors.

PeptiGrowth Inc. (Japan)
Minamihata, K. promoted their synthetic peptide-based growth factors for cell therapy and regenerative medicine.

PuREC Co., Ltd. (Japan)*
Morishita, Y. introduced clinical trials of therapies with their extremely purified stem cells, RECs; for hypophosphatasia and lumber/spinal canal stenosis.

Stempeutics Research Pvt. Ltd. (India)*
K. Gupta spoke about their allogeneic, bone marrow derived, pooled, mesenchymal stromal cells, a potential break through therapy for osteoarthritis and critical limb ischemia due to Buerger's disease.

eTheRNA Immunotherapies NV (Belgium)
v. Assche elucidated their proprietary TriMix-mRNA immune stimulant and its ex vivo applications for dendric cell based therapies for melanoma and gastric cancer.

PDC*Line Pharma SA (Belgium)*
Halioua presented their progresses on their new class of cancer vaccines based on off-the-shelf antigen presenting plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDC).

EG 427 (France)
Chambon introduced their non-replicative herpes simplex virus 1 based vectors for next generation in vivo gene therapies.

Eligo Biosicience SAS (France)*
Grienenberger presented their progresses on their precision CRISPR gene editing of patient's microbiome for durable removal of bacterial drivers of diseases.

TreeFrog Therapeutics SAS (France)*
Feyeux expounded about progresses on their proprietary alginate micro droplet encapsulation technology, C-Stem, and its application for iPSC based therapy for Parkinson's disease.

Salipro Biotech AB (Sweden)*
Frauenfeld explained about their progresses on development of their proprietary nano-membrane technology, Salipro®, as an effective drug discovery.

Verigraft AB (Sweden)
Nordfors explained about their proprietary personalized tissue-engineered graft technologies for regenerative medicine.

Orchard Therapeutics plc (Switzerland/UK)
S. Vick spoke about their autologous ex vivo hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) gene therapy programs for MLD, MPS, Crohn's disease, HAE and FTD.

Laverock Therapeutics Ltd. (UK)
Allsopp explained about their proprietary Gene Editing Induced Gene Silencing (GEiGS®) technology and its applications for next generation of programmable cell therapies.

Touchlight DNA Services Ltd. (UK)*
McIntyre presented their progresses on proprietary DNA vector, doggybone DNA (dbDNA™), and its impacts on genetic medicine innovations.

Closing Remarks

LINK-J (Japan)
On behalf of the organizing team, Mori, F. expressed their gratitude toward lecturers, presenters, attendees, and supporters.
