イベント視聴者募集:HEALTHCARExDIGITAL 2021 (10/14)
在日米国商工会議所 (ACCJ) ヘルスケア委員会では、日本の最も重要な課題の一つ「それぞれの患者のニーズに合わせた最適な医療とケア」をデジタルテクノロジーを通じて実現するため、Healthcare x Digitalプロジェクトを推進しております。その活動の一環として第2回目となる"Healthcare x Digital"イベントを開催します。
1)デジタル技術による都市と地方の医療格差解消 2)デジタル技術を用いることによる病院の進化 3)デジタルツールを活用し生活者・患者自身が健康を管理することを可能にする
Registration is opening soon for HxD IDEAS DAY(11/11)
The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) Healthcare Committee invites you to join us at "Healthcare x Digital" to solve Japan's most critical community healthcare and individual patients' needs through digital technology. Especially we are focusing on solutions in the following three areas:
1.Overcoming the urban vs rural healthcare divide
2.Re-imagining the hospital of the Future
3.Empowering patients to take ownership of their health through technology
At this Pitch event, you will be able to learn about the most innovative healthcare solutions for Japan and have the opportunity to develop partnerships to make them a reality.
We are fostering partnerships that lead to the creation of eco-systems by bringing together private innovators, healthcare companies, digital companies and government.
On October 14 (PITCH DAY), organizations selected will be invited to the Pitch Event on October 14 and finalists will be selected. Organizations will pitch their ideas on a format to be specified.
Please visite the ACCJ website for details: https://www.accj.or.jp/hxd
We await your participation!
ACCJ Kansai Chapter: kansai@accj.or.jp