*This event will be conducted in Japanese.
*Instructions for joining the virtual meeting will be sent to registered virtual attendees after the above-stated deadline.
*This event was planned to be held hybrid, however, it is now changed to VIRTUAL ONLY, due to small numbers of sign ups. For those who applied for joining in-person and have already paid the participants fee, we will refund it. Please kindly join the event virtuallly.
Event Overview
Technology Series第11弾では、株式会社シンプロジェンの齋藤俊介氏をお迎えしてお送りします。新たな生物システムを構築できる合成生物学は農業や医薬品産業など導入が進み、その産業規模は2030年にOECD加盟国で約200~400兆円に達すると見込まれています。この合成生物学の産業応用における核心は遺伝子工学技術とデジタル技術が融合した細胞開発プラットフォーム(バイオファウンドリ)であり、その要素技術がゲノム編集とDNA合成となります。これら技術の活用により、様々な化学物質、タンパク質、ウイルスベクターなどの生産性に優れた新しい細胞を設計することができます。
- バイオファウンドリ、DNA合成とは。
- 遺伝子治療薬の製造に関する課題、事業環境
- シンプロジェン社の事業と技術
- キャリアにおけるスタートアップという選択
For the 11th installment in the ACCJ-Kansai Technology Series, we are pleased to welcome Shunsuke Saito, director of Synplogen Co., Ltd.'s Medical Business Unit.
Synthetic biology, which enables the creation of new biological systems, is increasingly being adopted in the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries. Its market value is expected to reach ¥200-400 trillion in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development member countries by 2030.
At the core of this industrial application of synthetic biology is a cell development platform, or biofoundry, that combines genetic engineering and digital technologies such as genome editing and DNA synthesis. These technologies enable the design of new cells that produce various chemicals, proteins, and viral vectors at high levels.
Biopharmaceutical company Synplogen, which specializes in gene therapy, has built a platform called Gene Therapy Bio FoundryTM. At the heart of this platform is the company's proprietary long-chain DNA synthesis technology (OGAB®). Synplogen is committed to advancing proprietary technologies that can reduce the manufacturing costs of gene therapeutics. By providing a robust platform for producing gene therapeutics, the company aims to make gene therapeutics--potentially curative treatments for rare and intractable diseases--accessible to as many patients as possible in a sustainable manner.
After the main session, attendees can participate in networking session with Saito, virtually.
<About the Speaker>
株式会社シンプロジェン 取締役、医療ビジネスユニット ユニット長
2009年に早稲田大学大学院先進理工学研究科修士課程修了、2023年に神戸大学大学院科学技術イノベーション研究科博士課程修了(博士(科学技術イノベーション))。博士課程の研究テーマは、遺伝子治療用ウイルスベクターに関する品質管理、プロセス開発、事業化。2009年、大日本住友製薬株式会社(現 住友ファーマ株式会社)に入社。技術研究本部製剤研究所、Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc.(同社米国子会社)で医薬品の製剤化研究に従事後、2020年4月、株式会社シンプロジェンに入社。事業開発マネジャーを経て、執行役員医療ビジネスユニット長に就任。2023年4月より現職。
Shunsuke Saito, Ph.D.
Director of Synplogen Co., Ltd.'s Medical Business Unit, Shunsuke Saito graduated in 2009 with a master's degree from the Faculty of Advanced Science and Engineering at Waseda University. He received a doctorate in science, technology, and innovation from Kobe University in 2023. His doctoral research focused on quality control, process development, and business strategy for viral, vector-based gene therapy. He joined Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd. (currently Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd.) and Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc. (its subsidiary in the United States) to work on formulation development. He joined Synplogen in April 2020 as manager of business development and then served as head of medical business development. He has been as a director of Synplogen since April 2023.
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* This event is supported by Link-J.
<ヴァーチャル参加者 注意事項>
NOTE 1: This event is ON THE RECORD. Photos and videos will be taken during the event and displayed on the ACCJ website and social media channels, in The ACCJ Journal, etc.
NOTE 2: Please note that, as with all guest presentations, the content and comments of the speakers reflect their own opinions and do not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of the ACCJ.
NOTE 3: No substitutions. Please do not forward the event link to others.
申込締切:11月19日 (23:00) キャンセル締切:11月13日 (17:00)
ACCJ Healthcare 委員会