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■ 形式:ハイブリッド(対面・オンライン(Zoomウェビナー))

■ 定員:会場50名程度(応募多数の場合、抽選)、ウェビナー1,000名

15:00-15:05 開会のお言葉:「難病の日」を迎えて
辻 邦夫(一般社団法人 日本難病・疾病団体協議会 常務理事)
15:05-15:20 プレゼンテーション1「市民社会の視点から考える難病対策のこれまでとこれから」
西村 由希子(特定非営利活動法人ASrid 理事長)
15:20-15:35 プレゼンテーション2「日本の難病対策について」
横田 正明(厚生労働省健康・生活衛生局 難病対策課 課長補佐)
15:40-15:55 プレゼンテーション3「AMEDにおける希少難治性疾患への取り組み」
中島 唯善(AMED 創薬事業部 創薬企画・評価課(難治性疾患実用化研究事業 担当)調査役)
15:55-16:10 プレゼンテーション4「自治体における難病対策」
津島 志津子(神奈川県健康医療局 保健医療部がん・疾病対策課 課長)
16:10-16:25 プレゼンテーション5「患者・市民と共につくる研究」
古結 敦士(大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 医の倫理と公共政策学分野 助教)
16:30-17:00 パネルディスカッション「患者・市民の視点から考えるこれからの難病対策」



[Hybrid Format] Intractable Disease Day Symposium: Future Measures for Intractable Diseases from the Perspectives of Patients and Citizens

Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) will hold an Intractable Disease Day Symposium: Future Measures for Intractable Diseases from the Perspectives of Patients and Citizens on 23rd May.

A direction for intractable disease measures that include promoting healthcare and improving the social environment was set by the enactment of the Act on Medical Care for Patients with Intractable Diseases in 2014. However, for the healthcare provision system, these include information disparities, in which people do not receive enough of the information they need; long diagnostic delays or diagnosis lag; regional healthcare disparities; and collaboration spanning pediatric healthcare to adult healthcare. There are also a number of actions that should be taken for R&D. For example, we hope to see the establishment of a data aggregation system to further basic research on each disease as well as the promotion of Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) to encourage research that reflects patients' needs in the development of therapeutics.

At this symposium, we will hold a multi-stakeholder discussion on the nature of intractable disease control to identify issues to address in the future and disseminate those issues to greater society.

■Format: Hybrid (In-Person and Online (Zoom Webinars)); the lecture archive will be available at a later date (Please register for webinar if you would like to watch archive)

■Capacity: Venue about 50 /Online 1,000

[Program] (titles omitted)
15:00-15:05 Opening Remarks: Marking the Occasion for Intractable Disease Day
Kunio Tsuji (Standing Director, JPA)
15:05-15:20 Presentation 1: The Past and Future of Measures for Intractable Diseases From the Viewpoint of Civil Society
Yukiko Nishimura (President, NPO ASrid)
15:20-15:35 Presentation 2: Measures for Intractable Diseases in Japan
Masaaki Yokota (Deputy Director, Intractable Disease Control Division, Public Health Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW))
15:40-15:55 Presentation 3: Current Initiatives in Intractable Diseases from AMED
Tadayoshi Nakashima (Research Officer, Intractable disease/Rare disease, Rare/Intractable Disease Project, Division of Strategic Planning and Evaluation, Department of Innovative Drug Discovery and Development, The Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED))
15:55-16:10 Presentation 4: Measures for Intractable Disease in Local Governments
Shizuko Tsushima (Director, Cancer and Disease Control Division, Healthcare and Medical Services Department, Health and Medical Services Bureau, Kanagawa Prefectural Government)
16:10-16:25 Presentation 5: Co-creating Research with Patients and Citizens
Atsushi Kogetsu (Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Ethics and Public Policy, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University)
16:30-17:00 Panel Discussion: The Future of Intractable Disease Control from the Perspectives of Patients and Citizens

For more information and registration:

2024年05月23日 (木)

15:00-17:00(開場14:45)/from 15:00 to 17:00 (Open 14:45) JST

グローバルビジネスハブ東京 フィールド >アクセス
(東京都千代田区大手町1-9-2大手町フィナンシャルシティ グランキューブ3階)
Venue: Global Business Hub Tokyo Field >>Access
(Grand Cube 3F, Otemachi Financial City, 1-9-2, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 100-0004)




Japanese and English (simultaneous translation will be available)

参加費/Participation fee



■後援(順不同):一般社団法人 日本難病・疾病団体協議会/特定非営利活動法人ASrid

■ Hosted by: Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI)
■ Supported by (in no particular order): Japan Patients Association (JPA); NPO ASrid


特定非営利活動法人 日本医療政策機構 〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町1-9-2 大手町フィナンシャルシティ グランキューブ3階 Global Business Hub Tokyo TEL:03-4243-7156 FAX:03-4243-7378 Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) Grand Cube 3F, Otemachi Financial City, Global Business Hub Tokyo 1-9-2, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004 JAPAN TEL: +81-3-4243-7156 FAX: +81-3-4243-7378

2024年05月23日 (木)

15:00-17:00(開場14:45)/from 15:00 to 17:00 (Open 14:45) JST

グローバルビジネスハブ東京 フィールド >アクセス
(東京都千代田区大手町1-9-2大手町フィナンシャルシティ グランキューブ3階)
Venue: Global Business Hub Tokyo Field >>Access
(Grand Cube 3F, Otemachi Financial City, 1-9-2, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 100-0004)


