13:00-13:10 開会挨拶 「患者と共に推進する日本の包括的な CKD 対策に向けて」
石田 昌宏(参議院議員)※ビデオメッセージ
13:10-13:30 基調講演 「日本におけるCKDにおける課題と今後求められる対策」
柏原 直樹(日本腎臓病協会 理事長/川崎医科大学高齢者医療センター病院長・特任教授)
13:35-14:35 パネルディスカッション1「健康診断による CKD の早期発見と結果を活用した早期介入」
猪阪 善隆(大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 腎臓内科学 教授)
島田 妙(岡山市保健福祉局保健福祉部 国保年金課 レセプト・保健係)
モデレーター:吉村 英里(日本医療政策機構 シニアマネージャー)
14:45-15:45 パネルディスカッション2「CKD対策推進におけるかかりつけ医の役割と課題」
今村 英仁(日本医師会 常任理事/公益財団法人慈愛会 理事長)
内田 啓子(基金拠出型医療法人 眞仁会 横須賀クリニック 診療部長)
小林 一雄(日本臨床内科医会/内科クリニックこばやし 院長)
細越 百合香(腎疾患当事者)
モデレーター:乗竹 亮治(日本医療政策機構 代表理事・事務局長)
15:50-16:50 パネルディスカッション3「自治体でのCKD政策とさらなる推進に向けた中央政府の役割」
小川 麻里子(岐阜県健康福祉部 保健医療課 健康増進係 技術主査)
中川 直樹(旭川医科大学 内科学講座 循環器・腎臓内科学分野 教授)
三ッ林 裕巳(衆議院議員)
山崎 元靖(神奈川県 健康医療局総務室 医務担当 部長)
モデレーター:吉村 英里(日本医療政策機構 シニアマネージャー)
16:50-17:00 閉会の辞
黒川 清(日本医療政策機構 理事・終身名誉チェアマン)
17:00-18:00 レセプション
[Hybrid Format] Kidney Disease Control Promotion Project Public Symposium "Establishing Kidney Disease Control Measures with Patient, Citizen, and Community Engagement and Collaboration"
Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) will hold a public symposium titled "Establishing Kidney Disease Control Measures with Patient, Citizen, and Community Engagement and Collaboration" on August 28, 2024.
FY2024, HGPI will organize a public symposium co-hosted by the Japan Kidney Association. This symposium aims to disseminate the exemplary cases, challenges, solutions discussed, and other outcomes obtained through HGPI's past activities with society. It will bring together a wide range of stakeholders including governmental bodies (both central and local), legislators, academics, healthcare professionals, and patients/citizens involved in kidney disease management nationwide. The symposium aims to promote collaboration towards the realization of the next steps in patient- and citizen-led CKD strategies.
*Please note that this seminar is available in Japanese only. An English report of this event will be published in due course.
[Program] (Titles omitted, no particular order)
13:00-13:10 Opening Remarks "Towards Comprehensive CKD Measures Promoted Together with Patients in Japan"
Masahiro Ishida (Member, House of Councillors) *Pre-recorded
13:10-13:30 Keynote Lecture "Challenges in CKD in Japan and Future Required Measures"
Naoki Kashihara (Chairman, Japan Kidney Association / Director and Specially-Appointed Professor, Kawasaki Geriatric Medical Center)
13:35-14:35 Discussion 1 "Early Detection of CKD through Health Checkups and Early Intervention Utilizing the Medical Checkup Results"
Yoshitaka Isaka (Professor, Department of Nephrology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)
Tae Shimada (National Health Insurance and Pension Division, Public Health and Welfare Department, Public Health and Welfare Bureau, Okayama City)
Panelists to be finalized
Eri Yoshimura (Senior Manager, HGPI)
14:45-15:45 Discussion 2 "The Role and Challenges of Primary Care Physicians in Promoting CKD Prevention"
Hidehito Imamura (Executive Director, Japan Medical Association / President, Jiaikai)
Keiko Uchida (Medical Director, Shinjin-kai Yokosuka Clinic)
Kazuo Kobayashi (Japan Physicians Association / Director, Kobayashi Internal Medicine Clinic)
Yurika Hosogoe (Person living with kidney disease)
Ryoji Noritake (Chair, HGPI)
15:50-16:50 Discussion 3 "The Role of Central Government in Furthering CKD Policies at the Municipal Level"
Mariko Ogawa (Technical Chief, Health Promotion Section, Health and Medical Affairs Division, Health and Welfare Department, Gifu Prefecture)
Naoki Nakagawa (Professor, Division of Cardiology and Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Asahikawa Medical University)
Hiromi Mitsubayashi (Member, House of Representatives)
Motoyasu Yamazaki (Executive Director for Medical Affairs, General Affairs Office, Health and Medical Care Bureau, Kanagawa Prefecture)
Moderator: Eri Yoshimura (Senior Manager, HGPI)
16:50-17:00 Closing remarks
Kiyoshi Kurokawa (Honorary Chairman for Life, HGPI)
17:00-18:00 Reception
For more information and registration:
2024年08月28日 (水)
13:00-18:00(開場12:45)/from 13:00 to 18:00 (open from 12:45) JST
International House of Japan (5-11-16 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
参加費/Participation fee
共催:特定非営利活動法人 日本腎臓病協会
Co-organizer: Japan Kidney Association