iCONM in collaboration with BioLabsでは、日本時間9月19日(木)8 amより、BioLabsと共同でウェビナー「Biotech exit strategies in the US: M&A, IPO, or how to go?」を開催します。ぜひご参加ください。
Biotech exit strategies in the US: M&A, IPO, or how to go?
While IPOs are often seen as the ultimate success for investors, many paths are open to biotech founders. Come join us as we explore the different exit strategies available to biotech entrepreneurs. In this webinar, presenters will discuss how to “look around the corner” and plan for what’s next!
2024年9月19日(木) 8:00 – 9:00AM JST
Luke Gruenert
Director, Strategic Innovation, Rare Diseases
Chiesi USA, Inc.
International Pharmaceutical Group
LinkedIn Profile
Yogesh Dayma, Ph.D.
Investment and Business Consultant
Dr. Yogesh Dayma received his doctoral degree from South Korea, where he worked with Prof. Eunhee Kim at Chungnam University. After completing his PhD., Dr. Dayma joined Koch institute at MIT as a research scientist. He authored several scientific research articles in the field of oncology drug discovery, immunology and computational biology.
After his scientific career Dr. Dayma ended up in banking sector and specialized in healthcare investment. Dr. Dayma has over a decade of experience in the biopharma industry, as an investment banker and equity analyst roles at major wall-street firms. His work primarily focuses on fundraising, capital market, M&A and advisory services exclusively to the biopharma/life sciences sector. Most recently, Dr. Dayma was Sr. Vice President in the investment banking division at Credit Suisse.
Dr. Dayma helps to build new companies where new biological insights and technological capabilities intersect, with the promise of building new medicines for patients with great clinical need.
Lindsay Bourgeois
Director of Business Operations & Strategy Director
Biolabs LA at the Lundquist Institute
Co-chair of the Biocom California LA Startup Resources Committee
Lindsay Bourgeois joins us with several years of experience developing startups as both Site Manager and Director of Operations for Lake Pharma, and Director of Program Management at BioRasi. She brings knowledge of both hands-on lab bench experience in research and development, managing laboratory operations, and supervising project management and lab staff. Currently Lindsay is helping develop the LA bioscience ecosystem, as Director of BioLabs LA at the Lundquist Institute and co-chair of the Biocom California LA Startup Resources Committee.
iCONM in collaboration with BioLabsについて
iCONM in collaboration with BioLabsは、羽田空港の対岸に位置する川崎市殿町キングスカイフロントにある「ナノ医療イノベーションセンター(iCONM)」内にある、ライフサイエンス分野のスタートアップを支援するインキュベーション施設です。日本の高い研究技術力に 対して、iCONMの研究支援環境と米国ボストンにあるバイオ領域のグローバルインキュベーター BioLabsの社会実装支援経験の強みをかけ合わせ、スタートアップを支援します。iCONM in collaboration with BioLabsでは、 370種類を超える、微細加工・化学合成・バイオ・動物実験系の共用機器を備えています。【入居者募集中・詳細はこちら】