この政策提言の内容を広く発信し議論を深化させるべく、日本医療政策機構では以下の通り公開フォーラムをハイブリッド形式で開催いたします。本フォーラムでは、長年にわたり、子どもの健康政策を推進され、当機構「子どもの健康推進プロジェクト」スペシャルアドバイザーとしてご助言をいただいている五十嵐隆氏(国立成育医療センター 理事長)をお招きし、ご基調講演を頂戴いたします。また、基調講演(2)として、「Children Firstの子ども行政のあり方勉強会」の共同代表を務められ、子ども家庭庁創設に向けた提言を取りまとめられた、自見はなこ氏(参議院議員/内閣府大臣政務官)にもお話しいただきます。
In the face of ongoing demographic change driven by a declining birthrate and population aging, Japan must find successful methods of increasing the number of births while taking steps to provide seamless support for children that spans pregnancy to adulthood to give children a safe and secure environment in which to grow. The Basic Law for Child and Maternal Health and Development (or the "Act On Promoting Comprehensive Measures for the Seamless Provision of Child Care, Medical Care for Health and Development, and Other Necessary Forms of Care to People Currently in the Growth Process, Their Guardians, and Expectant and Nursing Mothers") was enacted in 2018 with the objective of further expanding support for children and child-rearing. Further action was taken in 2021, when the Cabinet approved the Basic Plan on Child and Maternal Health, Development, and Medical Care and set a direction for Government measures moving forward. While the enactment of this Basic Law and Plan were groundbreaking developments, we have yet to see the conclusion of discussions aiming to produce specific measures for the national Government and local governments to implement as well as monitoring indicators for those measures, so it is desirable that multi-stakeholder action is taken to crystallize issues and identify discussion points for these purposes.
Given this backdrop, Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) established the Child Health Project and presented urgent recommendations in February 2023. The urgent recommendations are based on hearings with specialists in each field and we are now working to see them reflected in future initiatives from the national Government and local governments. Our urgent recommendations call for the promotion of public-private partnerships and collaboration across ministries and municipalities, raise the need to evaluate policies from a biopsychosocial perspective, and advocate for the importance of expanding best practices developed by local governments to each municipality.
To broadly publicize these policy recommendations and to intensify discussions on this topic, HGPI will host a public forum that will feature a keynote lecture from Prof. Takashi Igarashi (President and Chief Executive Officer, National Center for Child Health and Development). Prof. Igarashi has worked to advance policies for child health for many years and guides our efforts as a special advisor for HGPI's Child Health Project. In addition, Dr. Hanako Jimi, a member of the House of Councilors and co-chair of the Children First Study Group on Child and Family Administration, will speak on "Achieving a "Children First" Society".
Details on this hybrid in-person/online public forum are provided as follows.
【プログラム】 [Program] JST |
(敬称略・五十音順・暫定版のため今後変更になる可能性がございます) (titles omitted; in no particular order) |
16:00-16:20 | 開会・趣旨説明・日本医療政策機構による緊急提言の紹介 Opening remarks and explanatory introduction: An Introduction of HGPI's Urgent Recommendations |
乗竹 亮治(日本医療政策機構 理事・事務局長/CEO) Ryoji Noritake (Board Member and CEO, HGPI) |
16:20-16:30 | 緊急提言を踏まえた 成育基本法・成育基本計画の実施と運用に向けた次の打ち手 Next Steps for Implementing and Applying the Basic Law and Basic Plan for Child Health Based on the Urgent Recommendations |
千先 園子(国立成育医療研究センター こどもシンクタンク企画調整室 副室長) Sonoko Sensaki (Assistant Director, Children's Think Tank Planning and Coordination Office, National Center for Child Health and Development) |
16:35-17:20 | 基調講演(1) "異次元"の子ども関連施策の推進に向けて期待される視座 Keynote lecture 1: Viewpoints on the Promotion of a Different Dimension of Policies for Children in the Future |
五十嵐 隆(国立成育医療センター 理事長) Takashi Igarashi (President and Chief Executive Officer, National Center for Child Health and Development) |
17:25-17:45 | 基調講演(2) 「チルドレン・ファースト」社会の実現に向けて Keynote lecture 2: Achieving a "Children First" Society |
自見 はなこ(参議院議員/内閣府大臣政務官) Hanako Jimi (Member, House of Councilors) |
17:50-18:00 | 閉会の辞 Closing remarks |
黒川 清(日本医療政策機構 代表理事) Kiyoshi Kurokawa (Chairman, HGPI) |
>> 詳細はこちら
>> For more information
2023年04月06日 (木)
16:00-18:00 JST
- 形式: ハイブリッド開催
Format: Hybrid format (in-person lecture at venue with Zoom webinar) - 会場: 大手町フィナンシャルシティ グランキューブ Global Business Hub Tokyo アクセス
Venue: Grand Cube, Otemachi Financial City, Global Business Hub Tokyo ACCESS - 定員:会場 30名(応募多数の場合、抽選)・オンライン 200名
Capacity: Venue: 30 people, Online: 200 people
The application deadline for those who wish to attend the in-person event is 23:59 a.m. on Sunday, April 2, 2023. Application results will not be available immediately after registration. Attendees will be selected by a draw of lots. Those who have applied to join the in-person event will be notified of selection results on Monday, April 3, 2023. Individual members will be prioritized during the selection process.