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6月26日は国際連合により国際麻薬乱用・不正取引防止デー(International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking)として定められています。日本医療政策機構(HGPI)では、国際麻薬乱用・不正取引防止デーに向けて、近年国内外において議論が活発に行われている大麻由来医薬品をめぐる最新の動向と課題について理解を深めることを目的としてHGPIセミナーを開催いたします。

近年、難治性てんかん治療薬として、大麻草(Cannabis Sativa)に由来するカンナビノイドの一種であるカンナビジオール(CBD: Cannabidiol)を含有する医薬品が欧米をはじめとする各国で承認・使用されはじめました。日本国内においても、患者団体や学会が中心となり、大麻由来成分を含有した医薬品の国内使用の認可を訴える声が高まりました。この動きを受け、2023年に大麻取締法と麻薬及び向精神薬取締法の一部改正が行われ、大麻由来成分を含む医薬品の国内使用に向けた道が開かれました。
現在、大麻の有害性や規制のあり方については、国内外で議論が分かれています。海外では大麻の娯楽的使用を含む規制緩和が進む一方、日本はこれまで他国と比較して大麻をはじめとした依存性薬物に対してクリーンな状況を維持してきたこともあり、大麻を含む依存性薬物については厳罰化の方針、いわゆるゼロ・トレランス(不寛容)の姿勢を保っています。国際連合における麻薬政策の決定を中核的に実施している国連麻薬委員会(CND: Commission on Narcotic Drugs)では、大麻および大麻樹脂のカテゴリ見直しが2020年に実施され、今後大麻由来医薬品の開発が活発化するといわれています。このような社会情勢の変化に伴い、日本においても今改正を皮切りに、大麻由来医薬品の在り方について、その今日的な意義を念頭に置いたうえでの議論を進展させる必要があります。



  • 登壇者:太組 一朗 氏(一般社団法人日本臨床カンナビノイド学会 理事長/聖マリアンナ医科大学脳神経外科学教授)
  • 日時:2024年6月24日(月)18:30-19:45
  • 形式:オンライン(ZOOMウェビナー)
  • 言語:日本語
  • 参加費:無料
  • 定員:500名

>> 詳細はこちら


太組 一朗 氏(一般社団法人 日本臨床カンナビノイド学会 理事長/聖マリアンナ医科大学 脳神経外科学 教授)客員教授)


The 126th HGPI Seminar: Considering the Present and Future of Cannabis-Derived Medicines in Japan to Mark the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

The United Nations has designated June 26 as the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. To mark this day, Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) will host an HGPI Seminar to deepen understanding of the latest developments in and current issues surrounding cannabis-derived medicines.

In recent years, various countries starting with those in Europe and North America have begun approving the use of medicines containing a cannabinoid derived from Cannabis Sativa called cannabidiol (CBD) for the treatment of intractable epilepsy. In Japan, there are growing calls from patient groups and academic societies for the approval of medicines with ingredients that are derived from cannabis. In response, partial amendments were made to the Cannabis Control Act and the Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Act in 2023, paving the way for the use of cannabis-derived medicines in Japan.

In the debate over the harmfulness of cannabis and how best to regulate it, opinions in Japan and other countries are currently divided. While some countries are legalizing cannabis, including for recreational use, Japan has maintained a clear stance against habit-forming drugs, starting with cannabis, and continues to have a strict zero-tolerance policy for such substances. The United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), which plays a key role in guiding drug policy at the United Nations, voted to reschedule cannabis and cannabis resin in 2020. This decision is expected to lead to increased development of cannabis-derived medicines in the future. To keep pace with these changing circumstances in society, Japan must build upon the momentum started with recent legal amendments, recognize the significance of cannabis-derived medicines in the modern landscape, and advance discussions on how best respond to their introduction.

This seminar will feature a leading figure in discussions on the aforementioned legal amendments, Professor Ichiro Takumi. Reflecting on the latest developments in Japan and overseas, Professor Takumi will discuss steps leading to the amendments, issues related to cannabis-derived medicines, and how Japan should structure systems for those medicines. We would like to take this opportunity to consider the future of cannabis-derived medicines together with everyone in attendance.

[Event Overview]

  • Speaker: Prof. Ichiro Takumi (President, Japanese Clinical Association of Cannabinoids (JCAC); Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, St. Marianna University School of Medicine)
  • Date & Time: Monday, June 24, 2024; from 18:30 to 19:45 JST
  • Format: Online (Zoom Webinar)
  • Language: Japanese
  • Participation fee: Free
  • Capacity: 500 people

>> For more information, click here


Prof. Ichiro Takumi (President, Japanese Clinical Association of Cannabinoids (JCAC); Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, St. Marianna University School of Medicine)
Professor Ichiro Takumi was born in Tokyo, Japan. He graduated from Nippon Medical School in 1992 and was appointed Professor at St. Marianna University School of Medicine in September 2022. In his capacity as a neurosurgeon, Professor Takumi focuses on epilepsy surgery, stereotactic neurosurgery, orthopedic neurosurgery, and the control of secondary infections of prion diseases. He was also early to recognize the importance of the domestic introduction of cannabis-derived medicines, some of which are antiseizure medicines. Professor Takumi is a leader in cannabinoid research and was appointed Principal Investigator of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) Sciences Research initiatives in this field in FY2020 and FY2024. In addition to his contributions to the development of cannabinoid medicines, Professor Takumi also advocates for the recognition of people living with intractable epilepsy and other parties who can benefit from cannabinoid-containing products classified as foods as eligible cannabinoid users.
On invitation from the House of Councillors’ Committee on Health, Labour and Welfare, Professor Takumi participated in the 212th Extraordinary Session of the Diet as a witness on November 30, 2023. He provided a statement of opinion regarding the bills for the partial revision of the Cannabis Control Act and the Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Act.

日時2024年6月24日(月)18:30-19:45/Monday, June 24, 2024; from 18:30 to 19:45 JST


オンライン(Zoomウェビナー)/Online (Zoom Webinar)




無料/Participation fee: Free 




500名/Capacity: 500 people


特定非営利活動法人 日本医療政策機構


特定非営利活動法人 日本医療政策機構 〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町1-9-2 大手町フィナンシャルシティ グランキューブ3階 Global Business Hub Tokyo TEL:03-4243-7156 FAX:03-4243-7378 Specified Nonprofit Corporation, Health and Global Policy Institute Grand Cube 3F, Otemachi Financial City, Global Business Hub Tokyo 1-9-2, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004 JAPAN TEL: +81-3-4243-7156 FAX: +81-3-4243-7378

日時2024年6月24日(月)18:30-19:45/Monday, June 24, 2024; from 18:30 to 19:45 JST


オンライン(Zoomウェビナー)/Online (Zoom Webinar)


