

LINK-J Conference - R&D × Investment -



この度LINK-Jとして新たな大規模シンポジウム「LINK-J ConferenceRD × Investment ~」を開催いたします。日本の製薬企業のRD部門のパイプラインの紹介及び研究開発戦略を「~今後 10 年の R&D 戦略~」と題して投資を担当する国内外の皆様だけでなく広くライフサイエンスプレイヤーの皆様と共有いたします。



LINK-J is pleased to announce a new large-scale symposium "LINK-J Conference -R&D × Investment-". The symposium will introduce the pipelines and R&D strategies of Japanese pharmaceutical companies' R&D divisions and share them with not only domestic and overseas investors but also a wide range of life science players under the title of "R&D Strategy for the Next 10 Years".

A standing reception with food and beverages will be held at the venue, and networking time will also be available. Please come to Tokyo Nihonbashi to learn about the latest information and cutting-edge technologies from Japan's pharmaceutical companies, and use this event as an opportunity to discuss how to strengthen the ecosystem of Japan's pharmaceutical industry for overseas markets.

We look forward to seeing you there.

日時 Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 14:00-18:00 JST




Application Deadline
ONSITE:Until 09:00 on Sunday, May 12, 2024
ONLINE:Until 17:00 on Tuesday, May 14, 2024

※コンビニ / ATM でのお支払いをご希望の場合は、2024年5月13日(月)9:00までにお済ませください。
*If you wish to pay at a convenience store / ATM, please do so by 9:00 a.m. on Monday, May 13, 2024.
*Be sure to apply before the application deadline.


*Once payment is confirmed, a receipt and an attendance record can be issued from My Page. Please note that it may take some time for the receipt to be reflected.


Time Program
Opening Remarks
14:00 Shunichi Takahashi, Ph.D.
(President and Chief Operating Officer, LINK-J)
Guest Speeches
14:05 Akihisa Shiozaki,MBA
(Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
14:10 MHLW’s actions to promote the innovation of new drugs
Go Yamamoto
(Director,Office of Pharmaceutical Industry and Venture Support Policy,Policy Planning Division for Pharmaceutical Industry Promotion and Medical Information Management,Health Policy Bureau,Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), Japan)
14:20 "METI's Policy for Strengthening the Drug Discovery and Development Ecosystem"
Hirokazu Shimoda
(Director, Bio-Industry Division, Commerce and Service Industry Policy Group, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
14:30 Break for 15 min
6 Pharmaceutical Companies Presentations
14:45 Yoshitsugu Shitaka, Ph.D.
(Chief Scientific Officer, Astellas Pharma)
15:05 Drug discovery research and development by leveraging Japan’s strengths
Takashi Owa, Ph.D.
(Managing Executive Officer, Chief Scientific Officer, Eisai Co., Ltd., Eisai)
15:25 (Tentative title)"Contemplating the Concept of 'Drug Discovery Capability': Diversity and Strategies in Future Drug Discovery Research "
Yasuyoshi Isou, Ph.D.
(Senior Executive Officer, Senior Vice President, Drug Research Division, Shionogi)
15:45 Break for 15 min
16:00 "CHUGAI Drug Discovery"
Hitoshi Iikura, Ph.D.
(Director, Head of R&D, Chugai Pharmaceutical)
16:20 "R&D Strategies of Japanese Pharmaceutical Companies: Present and Future"
Masao Nawano, Ph.D./MBA
(Vice President, Head of Research Division, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation)
16:40 Yasushi Kajii, Ph.D.
(Head, R&D Japan Region, Takeda Pharmaceutical)
Closing Remarks
17:00 Akihiko Soyama
(Chief Executive Officer, LINK-J)
Networking Reception

Networking Reception


*Programs are subject to change without notice.


高橋さん.jpg 高橋 俊一 Shunichi Takahashi, Ph.D.
President and Chief Operating Officer, LINK-J
塩崎様画像1.jpg 塩崎 彰久 氏 Akihisa Shiozaki,MBA
Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

山本様 顔写真 (002).png 山本 剛 氏 Go Yamamoto
厚生労働省 医政局 医薬産業振興・医療情報企画課 医薬品産業・ベンチャー等支援政策室 室長
Director,Office of Pharmaceutical Industry and Venture Support Policy,Policy Planning Division for Pharmaceutical Industry Promotion and Medical Information Management,Health Policy Bureau,Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), Japan


Mr. Yamamoto has been Director at Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) in Japan since June 2022 and currently in charge of pharmaceutical Industry and venture company support.
After graduating from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, he joined the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in 2005.
Over the years, he has been involved in tasks related to drug regulation, including approval reviews and safety measures.
下田様画像2.jpg 下田 裕和 氏 Hirokazu Shimoda
経済産業省商務・サービスグループ 生物化学産業課長
Director, Bio-Industry Division, Commerce and Service Industry Policy Group, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Hirokazu Shimoda joined METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) Japan in 1999, and he had been posted in IT industrial policy sections to promote IT device and software business and cyber security for several years. When the nuclear power plant accident occurred in Fukushima in 2011, he joined the Cabinet Secretariat to create the standards of compensation for the accident suffers. Since he came back to METI in 2013, he produced industrial policy frameworks to promote innovation in biotechnology, pharmaceutical, regenerative medicine sectors, etc. For four years since 2016, he had been an Executive Director of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) in San Francisco as a bridge between Japanese and U.S. companies to promote various business innovations. In addition, he had been a fellow at World Economic Forum, Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in San Francisco from 2017 to 2020. He has been in the current position since July 2022. He graduated from the Tokyo Institute of Technology with a degree in electronic and physical engineering.
志鷹様画像1.png 志鷹 義嗣 氏 Yoshitsugu Shitaka, Ph.D.
アステラス製薬株式会社 専務担当役員 研究担当
Chief Scientific Officer, Astellas Pharma

1996年3月東京大学大学院薬学系研究科博士課程修了。同年4月山之内製薬(現アステラス製薬)に入社。研究本部に所属し創薬研究に19年間携わった後、製品戦略部を経て、2016年5月、Astellas Institute for Regenerative Medicine 社長を務め、2021年4月に専務担当役員 研究担当へ就任、現在に至る。2023年6月より再生医療イノベーションフォーラム(FIRM)代表理事会長。

Dr. Yoshitsugu Shitaka, Ph.D., has been a Chief Scientific Officer of Astellas Pharma Inc. since April 2021. Dr. Shitaka has been an executive of Astellas Pharma Inc. since June 2018 and was president of the Astellas Pharma Institute (AIRM), which was established after Astellas acquired Ocata Therapeutics in May 2016. Prior to that, Dr. Shitaka served as Head of New Product Science Strategy, Product & Portfolio Strategy at Astellas Pharma Inc. in 2015. He served as Therapeutic Area Head, Frontier Disease Research Unit, Drug Discovery Research from 2012 to 2015. He joined Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical, Co., Ltd. (Yamanouchi became a part of Astellas Pharma Inc. in April 2005) in 1996 where he held scientific and management positions of increasing responsibility in Neuroscience, Drug Discovery Research until 2012. He was Visiting Scientist of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis from 2009 to 2010. He received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Tokyo in 1991, 1993, and 1996, respectively. He has been Representative Director, Chairperson of Forum for Innovative Regenerative Medicine (FIRM) since June 2023.
大和様.jpg 大和 隆志 氏 Takashi Owa, Ph.D.
Managing Executive Officer, Chief Scientific Officer, Eisai Co., Ltd.,


1991: Completed Ph.D. course at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmaceutical Synthetic Organic Chemistry Laboratory)
Same year: Joined Eisai Co., Ltd.
1996-1998: Visiting Postdoctoral Scientist, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology (Chemical Biology Laboratory), Harvard University
2011: Appointed as an Executive Officer of the company
2022: Appointed as a Managing Executive Officer and Chief Scientific Officer of the company
井宋様①.jpg 井宗 康悦 氏 Yasuyoshi Isou, Ph.D.
塩野義製薬株式会社 上席執行役員 創薬研究本部長
Senior Executive Officer, Senior Vice President, Drug Research Division, Shionogi


Kyoto University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 04/1985-03/1989, B.S.
Kyoto University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 04/1989-03/1991, M.S.
Tokushima University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 04/1999, Ph.D.
University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, 07/2004-06/2005, Research Associates

04/1991 - 03/2016 Shionogi & Co., Ltd., Discovery Research Labs. Department of Medicinal Chemistry
04/2016 – 06/2022 Shionogi & Co., Ltd., CMC Research Div.
07/2022 – 03/2024 Shionogi & Co., Ltd., Research Div.
04/2024 – Present Shionogi & Co., Ltd., Drug Discovery Research Div.

飯倉様画像4.jpg 飯倉 仁 氏 Hitoshi Iikura, Ph.D.
中外製薬株式会社 取締役 上席執行役員
Director, Head of R&D, Chugai Pharmaceutical

1993年 京都大学卒業
1998年 東京大学大学院博士課程卒業
2000年 中外製薬株式会社入社
2024年 取締役 上席執行役員(現職)

1993 B.Sc., Kyoto University
1998 Ph.D., University of Tokyo
2000 Joined Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
2024 - present Director, Executive Vice President, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
縄野様画像6.png 縄野 雅夫 氏 Masao Nawano, Ph.D.,MBA
田辺三菱製薬株式会社 創薬本部・本部長
Vice President, Head of Research Division,Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation

東京大学大学院農学系研究科修士・博士修了。神戸大学大学院MBA修了。1994年に田辺製薬入社。研究職に従事した後、研究企画から経営戦略等の職務を担当。2016年にミツビシ タナベ ファーマ ホールディングス アメリカの副社長に就任し米国事業戦略を担当。米国でニューロディスカバリーラボを立ち上げ、海外展開を推進。2022年から現職の創薬本部長に就任、日本製薬工業協会の研究開発委員会副委員長就任。

Completed a Master and Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo's Graduate School of Agricultural Science and an MBA from Kobe University. Joined Tanabe Pharmaceutical Company in 1994, transitioning from research roles to research planning and management strategy. In 2016, became Vice President of Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Holdings America, overseeing U.S. business strategy and launching the Neuro Discovery Lab to drive global expansion. Currently serves as Head of Research Division and Vice Chairman of the R&D Committee at the Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association since 2022.
梶井様画像7.jpg 梶井 靖 氏 Yasushi Kajii, Ph.D.
武田薬品工業株式会社R&D ジャパンリージョン ヘッド
Head, R&D Japan Region, Takeda Pharmaceutical


Head, R&D Japan Region, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. Program Officer for T-CiRA Program. After engaging in molecular psychopharmacological research at the National Center for Psychiatry and Neurology (at that time), held positions such as research and medical affairs at local and global pharmas such as Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation, AbbVie, and Novartis. Joined Takeda in April 2019 and assumed the current position in April 2023. Cross-appointed to Professor, Comprehensive Research Organization, Waseda University.
曽山さん画像8.jpg 曽山 明彦 Akihiko Soyama
Chief Executive Officer, LINK-J


*Please contact LINK-J to receive a discount code if you are a LINK-J supporter, LINK-J member or press.


On-site Participation Fee:(member)5,000YEN (non-member)20,000YEN
Online Participation Fee:(member)0YEN (non-member)20,000YEN


Onsite 100persons, Online500persons
Pre-registration is required to attend. Please note that registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis.


Support:Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association,Pharmaceutical Industrial Policy Committee,Forum for Innovative Regenerative Medicine(FIRM),Greater Tokyo Biocommunity (GTB),Biocommunity Kansai(BiocK)



日時 Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 14:00-18:00 JST




Application Deadline
ONSITE:Until 09:00 on Sunday, May 12, 2024
ONLINE:Until 17:00 on Tuesday, May 14, 2024

※コンビニ / ATM でのお支払いをご希望の場合は、2024年5月13日(月)9:00までにお済ませください。
*If you wish to pay at a convenience store / ATM, please do so by 9:00 a.m. on Monday, May 13, 2024.
*Be sure to apply before the application deadline.


*Once payment is confirmed, a receipt and an attendance record can be issued from My Page. Please note that it may take some time for the receipt to be reflected.
