Interviews & Blogs
All Interviews & Blogs

- LINK-J News Letter
- BiocK GTB Bioeconomy Biocommunity
【News Letter vol.25】Boosting Japan's bioeconomy with global biocommunities in East and West Japan

- Researcher Interviews
Seizing Opportunities in the Air Case in Point: US-Japan Cancer Research

- Researcher Interviews
National Cancer Center (NCC) at Kashiwa-no-ha Smart City World-leading Cancer Drug Discovery Ecosystem in Japan

- LINK-J News Letter
- VC Global
【News Letter】Changing Environment Provides a Tailwind to Startups Aiming to Go Global

- Start-up Interviews
- AI Asia Interviews
Taiwanese entrepreneur aims to bridge "cure" and "care" by bringing AI telehealth solution and a human touch to patients with heart conditions

- LINK-J News Letter
- UC San Diego Incubation Facilities Kyoto University
【News Letter】Aiming for Success in University Startups by providing support utilizing the " Japanese strengths "

- LINK-J News Letter
- Career Student
【News Letter】Researcher's Career Path and the Possibilities in a Startup Company

- Start-up Interviews
- AI Asia Interviews
Indian startup seeking to enter Japanese healthcare market with AI healthcare technology aimed at reducing misdiagnosis

- LINK-J News Letter
- Data Science Digital Health Medical Information
【News Letter】Creating New Value by Utilizing Medical Information From Contributing to Medicine and Medical Treatment to Promoting Healthy Behavior

- LINK-J News Letter
- Drug Discovery Pharmaceuticals
【News Letter】Two essential elements of new drug development: the intuition to distinguish information, and the idea to connect with overseas. Challenges and prospects for future drug development

- LINK-J News Letter
- VC
【News Letter】Towards creation of Japanese biotech startups recognized globally

- LINK-J News Letter
- Digital Health Healthcare IT
The new value that technology brings to healthcare ~The current state of digital health and its future~

- Start-up Interviews
- Interviews Koinobori
Koinobori Associate Inc.: A new approach to exploratory research into pharmaceutical solutions for patients with intractable diseases

- LINK-J News Letter
- Genome Patent
Why did the United States succeed with the Human Genome Project? A methodology for developing intellectual property from basic research, as seen through the Human Genome Project

- LINK-J News Letter
The Current situation of Regenerative Medicine Industry in Japan ; the prospect for Commercialization stage

- Start-up Interviews
- Interviews
INDEE Medical achieved an exit within 38 months of its launch -- what was the secret to their success?

- Start-up Interviews
- Interviews Immunity
Repertoire Genesis Inc. contributes to cancer immunotherapy and precision medicine with immune diversity analysis

- Start-up Interviews
- Interviews Drug Discovery
Streamlining new drug development with Modular Drug Discovery. Delta-Fly Pharma Inc. seeks approval for anti-cancer agent

- LINK-J Staff Blog
Did you know delicious foods are served at a LINK-J event? Here's the secret of our hospitality and well known restaurants in Nihonbashi we are using for catering!

- LINK-J Staff Blog
- BIO International Overseas Collaboration
Participating in the BIO International Convention 2018

- LINK-J Staff Blog
- Overseas Collaboration
Participating in Southern France business tour by Eurobiomed

- LINK-J Staff Blog
- BIOCOM Overseas Collaboration
LINK-J joined BIOCOM Global Partering Conference

- What’s in Nihonbashi
- Nihonbashi Blog
Why did Nihonbashi Honcho become "the town of medicine"? ~From Meiji era to early Showa era~

- What’s in Nihonbashi
- Nihonbashi Blog
Yakuso Shrine is a Symbol of the Town of Medicine