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LINK-J & UCサンディエゴ ジョイントウェビナーシリーズ 第6回 with 慶應大学
LINK-J & UCサンディエゴジョイントウェビナーシリーズの第6回目は、UCサンディエゴのMark Tuszynski先生と慶應義塾大学の牛場潤一先生が、脊髄損傷に対する幹細胞治療や脳卒中後のリハビリに向けたブレイン・マシン・インターフェイスの新展開についてお話しします。このウェビナーでは両校のAndrew McCulloch先生と岡野栄之先生がモデレーターとなり、ディスカッションを行います。
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日本時間 | 内容 |
9:00-9:05 | Welcome - Akihiko Soyama, LINK-J and Miwako Waga, UC San Diego Remarks - Dr. Hideyuki Okano, MD, PhD, Dean, Graduate School of Medicine, Keio University Remarks and Speaker Introduction - Dr. Andrew McCulloch, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Bioengineering and Medicine; Director, Institute of Engineering in Medicine, UC San Diego |
9:05-9:35 | Presentation – "Stem Cell Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury" Dr. Mark Tuszynski, MD, PhD, Director, UCSD Translational Neurosciences Institute; Distinguished Professor of Neurosciences, UC San Diego |
9:35-10:00 | Presentation – "Brain-Machine interaction facilitates neural reorganization in post-stroke brains" Dr. Junichi Ushiba, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Biosciences and Informatics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University |
10:00-10:14 | Q&A and Discussion - moderated by Drs. Okano & McCulloch |
10:14-10:15 | Closing Remarks - A. Soyama |
Dr. Andrew McCulloch, Distinguished Professor of Bioengineering and Medicine; Director, Institute of Engineering in Medicine, UC San Diego
Dr. Andrew McCulloch is Distinguished Professor of Bioengineering and Medicine at the University of California San Diego and Director of the Institute for Engineering in Medicine. He earned his bachelor (1981) and Ph.D. (1986) degrees in Engineering Science at the University of Auckland and joined the UC San Diego faculty in 1987. He directs the UCSD Interfaces Graduate Training Program and the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Specialization in Multi-Scale Biology. Dr. McCulloch served as Vice Chair of the Bioengineering Department from 2002 to 2005 and Chair from 2005 to 2008. He is also a member of Qualcomm Institute, the Center for Research on Biological Systems, and a Senior Fellow of the San Diego Supercomputer Center.
Dr. Hideyuki Okano, Dean, Graduate School of Medicine, Keio University
1988: Ph.D. (Dr. of Medical Science), Keio University
1983: M.D. Keio University School of Medicine
2017~ Present: Dean, Keio University Graduate School of Medicine. 2015~2017: Dean, Keio University School of Medicine.
2017~Present: Visiting Professor, Peking University, China. 2009~Present: Visiting Professor, University of New South Wales, Australia.
2008~Present: Honorary Professor, the Queenland Brain Institute, Australia.
2007~ 2015: Dean, Keio University Graduate School of Medicine.
2001~Present: Professor, Department of Physiology, Keio University School of Medicine.
1997-2001: Professor, Department of Neuroscience, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
1994-1997: Professor, Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Tsukuba.
1992-1994: Instructor, Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo.
1989-1993: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Biological Chemistry, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
1985-1989: Instructor, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University.
1983-1985: Instructor, Department of Physiology, Keio University School of Medicine.
Dr. Mark Tuszynski, MD, PhD, Director, UCSD Translational Neurosciences Institute; Distinguished Professor of Neurosciences, UC San Diego
Mark Tuszynski is a Professor of Neurosciences at the University of California, San Diego, and the Founding Director of the UCSD Translational Neuroscience Institute. He received his undergraduate and M.D. degrees from the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis), clinical training in neurology at Cornell University Medical Center in New York, and a Ph.D. in neuroscience at the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Tuszynski’s research focuses on central nervous system plasticity in animal models of learning, Alzheimer’s disease and spinal cord injury. He has won 15 research awards and is the author of over 180 scientific and medical publications.
Dr. Junichi Ushiba, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Biosciences and Informatics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
Associate Professor Junichi Ushiba, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University Junichi Ushiba graduated from the Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology in 2001 and obtained his Ph.D. from the Keio University School of Fundamental Science and Technology in 2004. He was a guest researcher at the Center of Sensory-Motor Interaction at Aalborg University, Denmark, for a 6-month period in 2003 before returning to the Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology as a research associate. He was at the Keio Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences of the Faculty of Science and Technology from 2014 to 2019, and has been an associate professor at the Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Biosciences and Informatics since 2012. He is a regular committee member and chair for various conferences and awards, and he has sat on the board of the Japanese Society for Motor Control since 2016 and on the Executive and Scientific Board of the Clinical Brain-Machine Interface (CBMI) Society since 2015. He has also received numerous awards, including winning the Excellence Award at BRAVE 2017.