

LINK-J & UC サンディエゴ 特別ウェビナー「カリフォルニア大学創薬コンソーシアム(UC DDC)のご紹介~その使命と産学連携について」

*English Page

カリフォルニア大学創薬コンソーシアム(UC DDC)は、カリフォルニア大学機構に属する複数のキャンパスにまたがるイニシアティブであり、産学連携を通じて研究成果を積極的に実用化する創薬コミュニティーの確立を目指しています。
UC DDCは、もともとカリフォルニア大学バイオメディカル研究加速・統合・開発(UC BRAID)プログラムの一部であったD4(Drugs, Devices, Diagnostics, Development)グループが立ち上げた取り組みであり、企業スポンサーとの連携を能動的に進めています。コンソーシアムの活動は、カリフォルニア大学プレジデント室(UCOP)のMulti-Campus Research Proposal Initiative(MRPI)グラントと企業スポンサーからの資金で賄われています。
今回の特別ウェビナーでは、UCサンディエゴキャンパスリードを務めるMichael Gilson教授が、カリフォルニア大学の研究者に資金と指導を提供し、未解決の医療ニーズに応える医薬品の開発を推進するというコンソーシアムの使命を説明し、企業メンバーとの連携確立の重要性を論じます。
UC DDCの概要説明に続き、UCLA、UCリバーサイド、UCバークレーのキャンパスリードを務める教授らが最近の創薬関連研究の事例紹介を行い、皆様からの質問にお答えします。

※字幕は市販されているアプリを使用しており、LINK-JおよびUC San Diegoは誤訳、訳文の欠落など、字幕に関する一切の責任は負えませんので、ご了解願います


LINK-J & UC サンディエゴ 特別ウェビナー「カリフォルニア大学創薬コンソーシアム(UC DDC)のご紹介~その使命と産学連携について」

日時 2021年6月10日(木)9:00-10:25








JST PDT Agenda
9:00-9:05am 5:00-5:05pm Welcome - Akihiko Soyama, LINK-J and Miwako Waga, UC San Diego
9:05-9:20 5:05-5:20 Presentation - “Overview of UC DDC”
Michael Gilson, MD, PhD, Professor and Chair in Computer-Aided Drug Design, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, UC San Diego and co-director of UC San Diego’s Center for Drug Discovery Innovation
9:20-9:25 5:20-5:25 Q&A - moderated by Miwako Waga
9:25-10:20 5:25-6:20 Campus Research Overviews - moderated by Michael Gilson
9:25-9:40 5:25-5:40 Presentation - "Building a Drug Discovery and Development Pipeline at UCLA"
Robert Damoiseaux, PhD, Professor in the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, UCLA
9:40-9:55 5:40-5:55 Presentation - "Targeting Therapeutically Viable Protein-Protein Interactions: Applications in Neurodegeneration and Oncology"
Maurizio Pellecchia, PhD, Professor of Biomedical Sciences at the School of Medicine of the University of California Riverside (UCR)
9:55-10:10 5:55-6:10 Presentation - "Discovery of approved drugs synergistic with remdesivir for COVID-19"
Julia Schaletzky, PhD, Founder of the UCB Drug Discovery Center, the Executive Director of the Center for Emerging and Neglected Diseases, as well as of the Immunotherapy and Vaccine Research Initiative at UC Berkeley
10:10-10:20 6:10-6:20 Q&A and Discussion
10:20-10:25 6:20-6:25 Closing Remarks - A. Soyama and M. Waga


3900f38d5a5cfb187c414c9216dcf8730219e6eb.pngMichael Gilson, MD, PhD, Professor and Chair in Computer-Aided Drug Design, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, UC San Diego and co-director of UC San Diego’s Center for Drug Discovery Innovation

Dr Gilson’s lab focuses on theory, methods, and applications of computer-aided drug design. He has contributed to the development of a number of technologies in this area, including the creation and maintenance of BindingDB, the first publicly accessible database of protein-small molecule binding data. Dr. Gilson is currently on the faculty of UC San Diego’s Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and co-director of UC San Diego’s Center for Drug Discovery Innovation.

robert.pngRobert Damoiseaux, PhD, Professor in the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, UCLA

Dr. Robert Damoiseaux’s main interests are in Drug Discovery and Development. He has extensively published on the development of novel assay technology platforms, High Throughput Screening, High Content Screening and nanotechnology. He is the Director of the Molecular Shared Screening Resources (MSSR) at the California NanoSystems Institute of UCLA and Professor in the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology and is inventor on numerous patents.

maurizio1.pngMaurizio Pellecchia, PhD, Professor of Biomedical Sciences at the School of Medicine of the University of California Riverside (UCR)

Dr. Pellecchia is a Professor of Biomedical Sciences at the School of Medicine of the University of California Riverside (UCR) and is the founding Director of the Center for Molecular and Translational Medicine at UCR. His research laboratory focuses on the design of novel pharmacological tools and therapeutics in oncology, neurodegeneration, and other disease areas.

julia-1.pngJulia Schaletzky, PhD, Founder of the UCB Drug Discovery Center, the Executive Director of the Center for Emerging and Neglected Diseases, as well as of the Immunotherapy and Vaccine Research Initiative at UC Berkeley

Dr. Julia Schaletzky is the Founder of the UCB Drug Discovery Center, the Executive Director of the Center for Emerging and Neglected Diseases, as well as of the Immunotherapy and Vaccine Research Initiative at UC Berkeley. An expert in drug discovery and preclinical development, Dr. Schaletzky has more than 10 years industry experience, contributing to the development of first-in-class therapies for heart failure and neurodegenerative diseases.




主催:LINK-J、共催:UC San Diego


LINK-J & UC サンディエゴ 特別ウェビナー「カリフォルニア大学創薬コンソーシアム(UC DDC)のご紹介~その使命と産学連携について」

日時 2021年6月10日(木)9:00-10:25






