

JST共創の場(国循拠点)× ライフサイエンスインキュベーション協議会 英国MedCityとのAdvanced Therapy共催ウェビナーのご案内 / Joint Webinar on Advanced Therapy by MedCity and Life Science Incubation Council

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JST共創の場(国循拠点)× ライフサイエンスインキュベーション協議会 英国MedCityとのAdvanced Therapy共催ウェビナーのご案内 / Joint Webinar on Advanced Therapy by MedCity and Life Science Incubation Council
【開催日時 / Timing of the webinar 】
2024年3月5日 17:00 - 19:00(日本時間)/ 8:00 - 10:00 AM (GMT)
March 5 2024 17:00 - 19:00 (JST) / 8:00 - 10:00 AM (GMT)
【Notice】For participants from outside Japan, the time zone in this event information is set in Japan time, so for participants from the UK etc., please check the GMT time in the event information.

【ウェビナー使用言語 / Language of the webinar】
英語 / English

This event will be held in a Zoom meeting format. On the day of the event, please use the Zoom link. Please be sure to mute yourself while participating in the event.The Zoom URL will be posted on this event page on the day of the event, and will also be provided to participants via email notification.Please note that the information entered by participants for the event will not be used for any purpose other than contacting you related to the event.

【全体概要 / Outline of the webinar】
ライフサイエンスインキュベーション協議会は今回JST共創の場(国循拠点)プログラムの一環として英国のMedCityとの共催ウェビナーを開催します。MedCityはImperial College Academic Health Service Centre, King’s Health Partners, UCL Partners, ロンドン市長、ケンブリッジ大学、オックスフォード大学によって2014年4月に設立された英国にて最も影響力のある機関です。ライフサイエンス分野における投資、起業、国内外との共同研究の促進を主なミッションとしており、今後日本とのさらなる連携が期待されます。今回はAdvanced Therapyのテーマで、日英の研究者に細胞治療、遺伝子治療、細胞製造等の分野でお互いの成果をご講演頂きます。

Life Science Incubation Council, Japan’s life science sector organization promoting the business and innovation in the sector, co-hosts the webinar in cooperation with MedCity, one of the most influential life science sector institutes in UK. MedCity was established in April 2014 by Imperial College Academic Health Service Centre, King’s Health Partners, UCL Partners, Mayor of London, Cambridge University and Oxford University to promote the investment, entrepreneurship and joint research projects. This time, focusing on the Advanced Therapy such as cell therapy, cell manufacturing and gene therapy, leading researchers from UK and Japan are addressing presentations on their achievements and activities, to promote further collaborative works between UK and Japan.

Life Science Incubation Council:

日時2024年3月5日 17:00 - 19:00(日本時間)/ 8:00 - 10:00 AM (GMT)




① 開会のあいさつ / Opening Remarks
② 講演 / Presentation

- Dr Shin Kawamata, CEO of Cyto-Facto Inc and Professor of Science, Technology and Innovation Department of Kobe University
Title: New role of CMO/CDMO in manufacturing the cell and gene therapy (CGT) products

- Dr Yen Choo, Chairman and Co-Founder of Plasticell.
Title: A platform technology for rational reprogramming of cellular identity
CombiCult®: Plasticell’s high throughput screening platform developed for use with stem cells enables screening of all combinations of (2, 3, 4… n) TFs from a predetermined set

- Dr Yoshihiro Asano, Director, Department of Genomic Medicine, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Osaka, Japan
Title: Development of AAV Vectors for Cardiomyocyte-specific Gene Therapy

- Professor Nagy Habib, CO-Founder of Mina Therapeutics
Title: Harnessing Bioinformatics Platforms to Identify and Endogenously Activate Target Pathways with RNA Activation for Therapeutic Benefit

- Dr Katsuto Tamai, Director and CSO of Stem RIM Inc and Guest Professor of Osaka University School of Medicine
Title: Synergistic strategy of regenerative medicine and gene therapy to cure epidermolysis bullosa

- Dr Jason Foster, CEO of Ori Biotech
Title: “Ori Biotech: Biology First Innovation in CGT” (cell and gene therapy manufacturing technology)

- Dr Naoki Hosen, Professor, Department of Hematology and Oncology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Title: Novel targets for CAR-T cells against hematological cancers

The order of the presentation is subject to change. / 講演の順番は変更の可能性がございます。

③ 閉会のあいさつ / Closing Remarks


英国メドシティ/ MedCity (UK)、JST共創の場(国循拠点)、ライフサイエンスインキュベーション協議会 / Life Science Incubation Council (Japan)、Biocommunity Kansai(BiocK)、Greater Tokyo Biocommunity (GTB)



日時2024年3月5日 17:00 - 19:00(日本時間)/ 8:00 - 10:00 AM (GMT)


